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一般公告 SDG4_Q11

The university holds several vocational training courses, corporate training classes, smart electronics academy courses, industrial talent development plans, and small business skill up project. The attached documents are the enrollment materials, as explained below:

1-The vocational training course for unemployed workers, which is subsided by the Ministry of Labor. The general public is welcome to enroll, and unemployed workers who meet the requirements may receive tuition subsidy. In 2017, the university held four courses, "International Trade, Marketing Planning and Financial Management Bootcamp", "Nail Art Painting and Gel Nail Design Practicum", "Global Sales and Marketing Management Bootcamp", and "Administrative Information Management Bootcamp". The attachments are the materials of authorization agreement. (please see the following pictures)

2-The university cooperates with Air Asia to offer professional training courses for employees.

3-The university cooperates with the Ministry of Economic Affairs to open Smart Electronics Academy courses to provide short-term professional training courses for employed persons.

4-The university cooperates with the Ministry of Labor to plan for industrial talent development language courses to provide opportunities for employed persons to pursue further studies.

5-The university cooperates with the Ministry of Labor in the small business skill up project to provide opportunities for employees in small-sized company to take on-the-job training. 


Appendix II: The Proposal of Asia-Pacific Industrial and Business Management Courses

Appendix III: The Proposal of Smart Electronics Academy Courses

Appendix IV: Industrial Talent Development Plan

Appendix V: Small Business Skill up Project